Do you want to learn about the effects of subconscious programming in your body and daily life?
Do you want to learn about the science behind energetic modalities and healing?
Do you want to know how to release unwanted, stuck patterns in your life in a way that actually works?
Do you want to create emotional and lasting freedom from past hurt, pain and trauma?
Do you want to live in a body that feels content and peaceful and healthy?
Do you want to experience true and lasting love, with yourself, others and even the world?
The E-Motion Movie will show you how!
E-Motion is an insightful documentary film with interviews from top world experts in the field of energy medicine, quantum physics, kineseology and more.
You will learn:
Holistic modalities that get to the core of all diseases and emotional issues
About the science of energy, how we are made of energy, and when that energy is disrupted we create imbalances that effect all aspects of our lives
How the subconscious mind works and what are the best ways to reprogram it for health, happiness and success
Knowledge and wisdom from experts such as Bradley Nelson, Neale Donald Walsch, Don Tolman, Sonia Choquette, Alain Herriott, Robert Smith and more
How the vibration of certain food combinations can radically change your mental health and over-come depression
The importance of releasing emotional baggage and stuck energy in order to live a healthy life
Learn more about the modalities taught in the film, including EFT and The Emotion Code, both of which Reflection Coaching offers to clients.
This and so much more!
View the trailer below to learn more!
is a film you can't miss!
“E-Motion will have a very positive impact on the evolution of human consciousness” -Bruce Lipton PHD, cell biologist and author of The Biology Of Belief