Karate Chop Point: Even though I have all this anxiety, I choose to feel at peace right now. Karate Chop Point: Even though I am anxious about all the stress in my life, I choose to be calm and confident. I choose to know that I can clear this anxiety and start feeling calm and relaxed. Karate Chop Point: Even though I am so stressed and worn out, and I feel so stuck, I choose to deeply and completely love and accept myself
Eyebrow: All this anxiety
Side of Eye: This anxiety in my body
Under Eye: This anxiety in my life
Under Nose: I can't stop thinking about it
Chin: All this anxiety that I feel in my chest and stomach
Collarbone: I cant let it go
Underarm: Its all too much
Top of head: This constant anxiety
Wrist: Peace
Eyebrow: I don't know how to let go of this anxiety
Side of Eye: I want to let it go, but I cant
Under Eye: Life isn’t easy right now
Under Nose: How can I not have anxiety? I have lived with this for so long that it has become part of who I am.
Chin: I am so stressed and worn out and feed up.
Collarbone: All this stress is taking a toll on me mentally and physically
Underarm: All this stress and anxiety I feel in my body
Top of head: All this stress and anxiety in my life
Wrist: Peace
Eyebrow: Everything is really hard right now
Side of Eye: And I don't know how to get through it
Under Eye: I want to be calm, but it hasn’t happened yet
Under Nose: I feel this anxiety throughout my whole body
Chin: It makes me feel so uncomfortable
Collarbone: And I don't know how to escape it
Underarm: I'm trying really hard
Top of head: But I still feel all this anxiety
Wrist: Peace
Eyebrow: I feel so stuck.
Side of the Eye: No matter what I do, I feel stuck.
Under Eye: I'm trying to feel calm but I don't know how
Under Nose: I feel so restless and worn out
Chin: This anxiety and panic is taking a toll on me mentally and physically
Collarbone: I feel so helpless and alone, no one truly understands how I'm feeling
Underarm: I don't know how to get out of this feeling. I don't know how to get out of situation of anxiety and this makes me feel so upset.
Top of Head: I don't know how much more I can take of this.
Wrist: Peace
Eyebrow: No matter what I do, I feel stuck.
Side of the Eye: I feel like I'm staying in the same place and not moving forward
Under Eye: I'm at a loss about what to do.
Under Nose: I've got so much anxiety which is making me feel stuck and helpless.
Chin: I feel this anxiety in my chest and in my stomach
Collarbone: I feel so helpless and hopeless
Underarm: I'm doing my best to clear this issue, but that still doesn't seem like enough
Top of Head: Even though everything seems hard right now, I choose to be open to the fact that I can be helped, I can be healed and I can heal myself.
Wrist: Peace
Eyebrow: I've had this anxiety for so long
Side of Eye: I don't know how to live without it
Under Eye: This anxiety just creeps up on me
Under Nose: Sometimes I know what its about
Chin: And other times, I have no idea
Collarbone: I can't imagine my life without this anxiety
Underarm: but maybe if I tried, I could imagine it
Top of head: I'm open to the possibility that I could be anxiety free
Wrist: Peace
Eyebrow: Even though it seems scary to let go of this anxiety
Side of Eye: I choose to let it go now
Under Eye: I choose to completely let it go now
Under Nose: I allow all anxiety to leave my body
Chin: I allow all anxiety to leave my life
Collarbone: I let it go now
Underarm: I am letting it go
Top of head: All this anxiety leaves my life and my body
Wrist: Peace
Eyebrow: I choose to let all stress go
Side of Eye: I choose to release this anxiety
Under Eye: I choose to totally and completely release it now
Under Nose: Its safe to let this go
Chin: Its easy to let this go
Collarbone: Its safe and easy for me to let this go
Underarm: Letting it all go now
Top of head: It feels good to let this go
Wrist: Peace
Eyebrow: It feels really good to let go of anxiety
Side of Eye: I know I can let it go
Under Eye: I let it all go now
Under Nose: and I feel good doing this
Chin: I feel great doing this
Collarbone: I feel free to let go of all anxiety
Underarm: I'm feeling calmer now
Top of head: I'm feeling so peaceful, because I've let this anxiety go
Wrist: Peace
Eyebrow: If any resistance is showing up
Side of Eye: I choose to release it now
Under Eye: Any resistance to feeling calm and peaceful
Under Nose: I choose to let it go now
Chin: It leaves my body
Collarbone: It leaves my thoughts
Underarm: and It leaves my life
Top of head: I am free of resistance
Wrist: Peace
Eyebrow: It is safe for me to let go of fear
Side of the Eye: It is safe for me to let go of over thinking
Under Eye: It is easy and safe for me to let go of feelings of being stuck
Under Nose: I don't need to feel helpless any more because I am helping myself right now by doing this tapping.
Chin: I am free in mind and in body
Collarbone: I let go of anything holding me back from feeling calm and peaceful
Underarm: I feel limitless and brave
Top of Head: I let go of all that no longer serves me, allowing peace and tranquillity to enter my life and my body.
Wrist: Peace
Eyebrow: I'm doing the best I can and that is enough
Side of Eye: I am rewarded for my efforts
Under Eye: This tapping helps me tremendously
Under Nose: Every time I tap I get more and more relaxed
Chin: I achieve so much by doing this tapping
Collarbone: Tapping is helping me to feel calm and relaxed, I deserve this help
Underarm: I'm helping myself every time I tap, I am capable of helping and healing myself
Top of Head: I am worthy and deserving of helping myself and helping my body to heal, I am relaxed, safe and calm.
Wrist: Peace
Eyebrow: I choose to feel good
Side of Eye: I choose to feel calm
Under Eye: I allow myself to be calm
Under Nose: I allow myself to be peaceful
Chin: I choose only good for myself
Collarbone: And it feels good to make this choice
Underarm: It feels really good to make this choice
Top of head: Its easy for me to make positive choices for myself
Wrist: Peace
Eyebrow: I am choosing to be at peace
Side of Eye: I am choosing to be happy
Under Eye: I am choosing only good for myself
Under Nose: Because I know I deserve it
Chin: And I choose to accept it now
Collarbone: I feel good right now
Underarm: I feel great right now
Top of head: And I allow this feeling to last
Wrist: Peace
Eyebrow: I feel safe
Side of Eye: I feel calm
Under Eye: I feel peaceful
Under Nose: I'm really enjoying this Tapping
Chin: It makes me feel good
Collarbone: And I like that
Underarm: Feeling so calm and peaceful
Top of head: Feeling so deeply calm and peaceful now
Wrist: Peace
Eyebrow: I am relaxed
Side of Eye: I allow myself to relax
Under Eye: I allow my body to relax
Under Nose: Feeling so calm and peaceful
Chin: Feeling more confident
Collarbone: Feeling more capable and able
Underarm: Knowing that I am safe
Top of head: Knowing that I can relax and be at peace now
Wrist: Peace
Eyebrow: I love myself
Side of Eye: I choose to love myself more and more every day
Under Eye: The more I feel my own love, the faster my body heals
Under Nose: I totally and completely love and accept myself right now, I am doing so well
Chin: I congratulate myself for all the effort I have put in during this tapping, I am so loveable
Collarbone: I am loved, loving and loveable
Underarm: I accept myself totally and completely right now
Top of Head: I love, honour, accept, nourish and treasure myself and only good lies before me. And so it is.