In a private session we work together in partnership to assess what areas of your life you'd like to address and clarify how you would like them to be instead.
A private session is both flexible and tailor made for each individual. If you would prefer a Emotion Code, EFT Tapping, PSYCH-K or a Coaching session, or a mixture of all depending on what comes up I am happy to accommodate your personal needs.
If you are new to The Emotion Code, EFT Tapping, PSYCH-K or Coaching, we can assess what would suit you best at the time for optimal results.
The best part? Sessions can either be done online over Zoom or SKYPE so no matter your location we can connect.
The Reflection Method:
Each client is unique and their road to emotional wellness is going to be different from my own, and others. So I like to approach each client with a fresh and open mind. Together we look for what is really needed. I offer a variety of different modalities for this reason, they all work well on their own and also in combination. As well as the Emotion Code, EFT Tapping, PSYCH-K and Life Coaching, I also practice The Body Code, Colour Healing, visualisation techniques and guided meditations with my clients. I like to have a large tool box of techniques so I can provide my clients with the best help and support they need.
Reflection Coaching was born out of my own journey of self-healing and life exploration.From this experience I come from a place of understanding and compassion, and where I deliver the best services for my clients.
From years of experience I have learnt that the best way to heal is to begin by letting go. I like to help my clients create a clean slate for healing to occur. We begin by releasing the emotional trauma and blocks with The Emotion Code and EFT Tapping. Then we assess what goals and results you'd like to see happen and we put this in place by using PSYCH-K.
This approach allows your energy to shift and your body and mind to heal.
I found that the combination of clearing and then reprogramming the subconscious mind was a much more effective way of releasing negative behaviours and patterns.
The advantage of working in this way means that my clients have dealt with the underlying issue first, which prevents it from returning again or in a new form.
If you would like to experience more peace, joy, love, health, happiness and freedom, I encourage you to try the holistic modalities I've mentioned. They work with the core issue, meaning they can help you in a deeper and lasting way. Please contact me with any further questions you may have.
Open Hours: Monday - Friday 10am to 5pm
Location: Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic I am no longer offering in person sessions. All sessions are held online either through Zoom or Skype.
Private Session Fee:
$125.00NZD for a 1 hour session
An invoice will be sent after the session and must be paid in full within 24 hours.