For the last year I have dedicated my time to honing my skills as an Angel Intuitive and Angel Card Reader and I am happy to say that the effort has paid off! Angel work is something that I am deeply passionate about and love to use with clients.
Here are a few testimonials from clients who I have worked with from around the world: “Olivia, Thank you for the quick reply and an extra huge thank you for an in depth, easily explained reading. WOW! You have really blown me away- YOU ARE REALLY GREAT! so natural! You are such a natural Olivia, and I would recommend anyone to you for a paid reading. Thanks again for all you've written and your time- I appreciate it more than I have words I also hope the feedback was useful. I hope this is your career because it would be awful for others to miss out on your gift.” Sonia- Australia “It was really a beautiful and touching reading. Thank you for delivering it in such a loving way” Yinci- Singapore “Thank you sooo much, sweet Olivia! Your counsel is really touching me and resonates to my inner being. I am very happy to receive and implement the suggestions the Angels have sent through you. So, with their kind help and support, I will work on the issues at hand. Your intuition and psychic abilities are outstanding. I love that you trust your senses! You are doing such a great job in helping to bring more light into our reality - keep up, I'm confident you are serving for better and you are not alone!” Marta- Bulgaria Until next time, Love, Blessings and Gratitude Olivia
_ Hi! I’m Olivia Wilson and welcome to my blog! I am an Emotional Wellness Practitioner specializing in EFT Tapping, The Emotion Code and PSYCH-K. In this blog I share my insights on emotional health and healing. So take a look around and learn all the great ways that Reflection Coaching can help you thrive and live a healthy, happy life!
December 2018
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