It’s astounding to think that we only use 5% of our brains capacity consciously on a day to day basis. We have this incredible organ within our heads that is capable of so much. If we were to know everything that the brain can do we might have a hard time believing it.
The conscious mind is the 5% that we use to create action intentionally. The other 95% is our subconscious mind, that stores every memory, every sight, every sound that we have ever been witness to. Amazing huh? A great way to think of it is when someone is first learning to drive a car. To begin with, the person has to concentrate all their efforts into steering, accelerating, braking, indicating and more. Until they are comfortable and driving becomes effortless, they are operating out of their conscious mind, then, when driving is an automatic response, they are operating from their subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind is the container of all our beliefs and perceptions of the world. A belief is a thought that you have over and over again until it becomes rooted in our minds and accepted as truth. For example you might have the thought that you are fat. You may only be a few kilos over your normal weight range, but to you, well you only see fat. So, every time you look in the mirror, or look down at your stomach or legs, you think “Gosh I’m fat.” You continue to berate yourself in this way, telling it to yourself repeatedly until this becomes what we call in PSYCH-K, a ‘Limiting Belief.’ What was once a passing thought, has now been ingrained into your subconscious mind. These negative subconscious beliefs can have many different side effects. Continuing with this common example, if you were to try to lose weight, the task might seem impossible because your subconscious doesn’t believe you are capable of it because it firmly believes the statement “I am fat.” Or you may lose weight and reach your target goal but because you haven’t released that limiting belief, you still identify with being fat, no matter how much weight you lose. Typically this is followed by putting all the weight you have just lost, back on again and then some more. The same goes for positive beliefs, if we think a positive thought continually, for example “I am loveable” this then becomes our truth as the subconscious mind takes this on board and allows this to become our experience. So why not just use positive affirmations? For some affirmations work like a charm while others feel that what they are saying is a complete falsehood. This is because the subconscious mind isn’t in agreement with the new statement. Most likely your new positive statement is the complete opposite of what you’ve been experiencing. As an example your positive affirmation might be “I am happy and healthy” while what you’re experiencing is depression and sickness. The subconscious mind can’t take the new belief on because it has conflicting beliefs already in place. If you feel this is you, don’t worry! There are ways to counteract these limiting beliefs and old thought patterns. With PSYCH-K we take away the emotional charge behind our old limiting beliefs, and use the processes that allow our subconscious mind to change to what is it we really do want. Your mind is like a computer and with PSYCH-K we are putting in new positive programming. Peace, Love and Healing Olivia PSYCH-K – Life Coaching – Personal Development – Albany, North Shore, Auckland
The Initial Leap of Faith
If you had never eaten a piece of chocolate in your life it would be extremely hard to accurately describe it to you because there is really nothing like it. The best chocolatiers in the world can be very descriptive in describing how their chocolate tastes but there is no comparison to actually tasting the chocolate for yourself. Describing and experiencing are two very different things. The same goes for PSYCH-K. I can describe how it works, give you examples of the amazing results but all the descriptions in the world won’t satisfy you until you try it for yourself. When I first encountered PSYCH-K, it required an initial leap of faith. Although I have tried many diverse forms of healing, PSYCH-K still felt very different from previous experiences. I was totally unsure that this was the right step for me at the time, but by the end of the session I came away feeling very calm and peaceful. My practitioner had a cancellation for the next day, so I gladly accepted the second appointment and have never looked back. Taking that first step towards the unknown can be scary, but if we stay the same, our lives stay the same, and most often people crave change for the better. Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable is an exciting and invigorating place to be. If you are wondering about PSYCH-K or life coaching and have that initial doubt or fear, just remember all the great things that have happened in your life by stepping out of your comfort zone. The first step is simply to contact me. Then we can address any questions you may have, just feel free to ask. There is no obligation at all to continue, if it doesn't feel right for you. Just remember that PSYCH-K helps you to make change easy. Peace, Love and Healing Olivia PSYCH-K – Life Coaching – Personal Development – Albany, North Shore, Auckland Sometimes improving the way we communicate with another changes the relationship for the better. The relationships we have in our lives will grow, change and evolve. We might have a connection with someone that will last a life time, while other relationships serve their purpose for a short time, and it is natural that they come to an end. There are many different ways to use PSYCH-K to assist relationships but one of the best and most profound balances I’ve used for this issue is...The Relationship Balance!
The Relationship Balance is specifically designed with two people in mind with the intention to heal or allow the relationship to come to a natural end. This balance can be done with the two people in the relationship or simply with one person and the facilitator steps in as person B. Both ways are very efficient and all parties receive huge benefits. My first encounter with the relationship balance was as a client. I was going through a turbulent time with a close friend that I felt desperate to mend. My PSYCH-K facilitator walked me through the Relationship Balance and I immediately felt very calm about the entire situation. When I next saw the person I had done the Relationship Balance with, our entire dynamic had changed. We both stopped arguing and fighting with one another and the friendship quickly settled back into our usual loving territory. I was so grateful. When I was training to become an Advanced PSYCH-K Practitioner, I was delighted to learn how to facilitate the Relationship Balance myself. As practice I did a relationship balance with someone in my life who I wasn't getting along with. The situation was sticky and complicated and had been bothering me for years. I didn’t expect much to change because I had this pre-conceived notion that I was doomed to be stuck in this relationship forever. Nevertheless, my facilitator muscle tested me and found that this relationship was indeed the highest priority to balance. The process was enlightening. I felt so much compassion and understanding towards this person and I felt so free upon completing the balance. Years of resentment and bitterness seemed to totally fade, and when I next encountered this person, I found myself actually wanting to engage in conversation. This person’s entire reaction towards me had changed as well. We certainly weren’t best friends but we could peacefully get along with each other with minimal effort. A few weeks after this balance, this person announced that they were leaving the country and we probably wouldn’t see each other again. Although all animosity had dried up, I was still relieved by the news. We were able to part on friendly terms. It's easy to blame the other person in the relationship for all our troubles but we can't make them change. We can change the way we feel about them though and so often when we take this positive approach, our relationship improves in a natural way. By taking responsibility for our part in the relationship, we allow healing and that feeling of connection to be restored. If you feel that a relationship in your life needs some positive attention, do try PSYCH-K and watch as the results follow. Peace, Love and Healing Olivia PSYCH-K - Life Coaching - Personal Development - Albany, North Shore, Auckland |
_ Hi! I’m Olivia Wilson and welcome to my blog! I am an Emotional Wellness Practitioner specializing in EFT Tapping, The Emotion Code and PSYCH-K. In this blog I share my insights on emotional health and healing. So take a look around and learn all the great ways that Reflection Coaching can help you thrive and live a healthy, happy life!
December 2018
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