Changing our Internal Programming with PSYCH-K
Many of our subconscious beliefs are created from birth through to age 6. The rest are made up from our own personal experiences of the world and the way we perceive those experiences. As we collect information and assimilate the messages around us as we grow up, we largely pick up on our parents and role models attitudes, thought patterns and beliefs. A common example would be that your father always told you ‘all rich people are mean.’ So as someone who identifies with being a nice person, you will subconsciously sabotage all efforts to become wealthy, to avoid being a ‘mean’ person. Or maybe you’ve picked up from a role model that skinny woman are ‘bitches’ . So every time you try to lose weight, your efforts are hindered because you’re trying to avoid a stereotype that you’re subconscious mind has assimilated as truth. By holding on to these limiting beliefs we create this internal battle that blocks us from achieving our goals and reaching our desires. My challenge to you is to assess the areas in your life where things aren’t going as smoothly as you would like. Then reflect back on the messages your parents taught you about these situations. The point here is not to point the finger or blame anyone for your misfortune, but rather come to an understanding, that at some point in time, we have all picked up limiting beliefs that are not always in our best interests. By understanding the root cause of our problems, we can then face them with positive action. Through PSYCH-K we can create these changing quickly and with astounding results and benefits.
Émile Coué, a French pharmacist discovered and utilised what became to be known as the placebo effect. He confidently praised the effectiveness of his remedies as he handed them out to his patients. There was a mysterious power in his suggestions and the remedies almost always worked magnificently. What Coué had stumbled upon was the body's ability to heal itself given a strong enough suggestion.
Today the placebo effect is recognised as being so powerful by pharmaceutical companies, that all testing has to make allowance for it. This protocol is known as double blind testing and basically means that the test subjects do not know what they are being given and nor do the people conducting the test know what they are giving out. It is quite common in double blind testing that both the drug being tested and the placebo cause an improvement in the condition being treated. The patients in the placebo group, not knowing what they were being given, but believing in the possibility that they were receiving a potent new medicine found improvement anyway. Seeing improvements in health with just the suggestion of a possible benefit is powerful enough in itself but what if we really decide to harness this placebo effect to its fullest? The key to good health is belief. By creating the belief that we can heal, that our bodies are capable of healing, we can make a new reality for ourselves. The fastest and easiest way to do this is by communicating directly with the subconscious mind. In PSYCH-K we assess if we have any limiting beliefs about our health, for example “My body doesn’t know how to heal, I’ve been sick forever.” Then by using PSYCH-K processes we can reprogram our belief system to a positive, enhancing statement such as “My body heals easily and naturally.” When we believe, in both our subconscious and conscious minds that we are capable of healing, a switch is turned on and we manifest healing and heath as our reality. Peace, Love and Healing Olivia PSYCH-K – Life Coaching – Personal Development – Albany, North Shore, Auckland |
_ Hi! I’m Olivia Wilson and welcome to my blog! I am an Emotional Wellness Practitioner specializing in EFT Tapping, The Emotion Code and PSYCH-K. In this blog I share my insights on emotional health and healing. So take a look around and learn all the great ways that Reflection Coaching can help you thrive and live a healthy, happy life!
December 2018
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