Procrastination is simply another word for fear. Fear is a topic that comes up in almost all sessions, and while it’s not always said aloud the underlying vibration of fear is almost always present, especially when talking about change and taking action. So why do we do it? What drives us to procrastinate on projects that we actually want to do? Or even projects that we don't want to do?
Well, procrastination helps us avoid criticism, rejection, disappointment and failure. It’s understandable we don't want to experience these things, so why not pretend they’re not even there? It's easier that way, right? Or, maybe not. Procrastination usually happens on projects that we actually want to complete, like getting fit, writing that book, going to that audition, asking that person out on a date. These are all things with a potentially good outcome. We are denying our true feelings when we procrastinate, we are taking away the things we really want to accomplish, while neglecting our biggest dreams. A good question to ask yourself is this; “If I procrastinate, will I be happier? What's important to know here is that procrastination is not bad, it does not make you lazy or a slob. Procrastination acts as a form of self preservation and protection. It is an automatic response to danger. To transform the habit of procrastination, we must believe that we are safe regardless of outcome, thus eliminating the need for procrastination. I had a recent experience with procrastination that I will share with you now. I've been working on a creative project for years, I love what I've created, but I've been hesitant to share it. Luckily, Nick Ortner from The Tapping Solution shared a free download for a tapping sequence on procrastination. It was only 10 minutes long, and even before I finished the tapping rounds, I decided to finally complete my project. Within about 30 minutes it was done. And guess what? I was so happy! I still am happy about it! The whole experience was very liberating. If you've ever read my past blogs, you'll know that I talk about The Leap Of Faith quite often. Releasing procrastination is another way to take a leap of faith. I've been leaping and leaping lately and I am thoroughly enjoying myself. In fact, I look forward to the next leap I have to take. From one positive experience, I've learnt to love the exhilaration of doing something out of my comfort zone. Who knows? I might even become an adrenaline junkie!?!? If you take away anything from this blog post, my hope is that you challenge yourself to not need procrastination any more. Identify and release. The time is now. The time is yours. And if you ever need a helping help, you know where to find me. Until next time, Peace, Love and Healing Olivia PSYCH-K – Life Coaching – Personal Development – EFT Tapping - Albany, North Shore, Auckland
3/29/2015 05:00:04 pm
Really amazing blog Olivia, I learned so much from this, thank you!!!
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_ Hi! I’m Olivia Wilson and welcome to my blog! I am an Emotional Wellness Practitioner specializing in EFT Tapping, The Emotion Code and PSYCH-K. In this blog I share my insights on emotional health and healing. So take a look around and learn all the great ways that Reflection Coaching can help you thrive and live a healthy, happy life!
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